Videoconference as a tool for European interhospital consultations in radiology

In the frame of the EC-sponsored TELEMED project, videoconferencing was evaluated as a tool for Remote Expert Consultation (REC) in radiology. The REC environment has been established as a pan-European demonstrator for advanced telecommunication applications in medicine. Five European university hospitals have been interconnected using broadband networks at a speed of 2 Mbit/s and 140 Mbit/s. Videoconference was evaluated in more than 120 sessions. In the experiments, videoconference proved to be a useful tool for teleconsultations, providing a set of requirements identified as indispensable for medical videoconference such as remotely adjustable iris for the document camera are fulfilled. Diagnostic reliability of images recorded with our equipment proved acceptable for digitally acquired images while reliability is limited for conventional images with a high demand of spatial and contrast resolution. Regional spin-off applications that have been established at some participating sites underline the potential of videoconference in health care.