FLORES diving cruise with Nautile near the Azores - First dives on the Rainbow field: hydrothermal seawater/mantle interaction

' IFREMER, Cemre de Brest, DRO-GM. Laborataire de Geochimie et Mdtallogenie. BP 70, 29280, Plouzant!, France ' Depwwmtmlf> de Genlngia, Facti.ldade de Ciencias, Universidade de Lisboa, Edificio C2, Piso 5, Campo Grande, 1700 Lisboa, Portugal 1Dcpanment o[Ear1h Sciences, University <if Cambridge, Downing Street. Cambridge, CB2 3EQ, UK 'Southampton Oceanography Centre, European Way, Empress Dock, Southampton, SOJ4 3ZH, UK 5Laboratoire de Modelisation du Climat et de I'Environnement, CEN Sac/ay, L'Onne-de.,·Merisiers, 9119/ Gif Sur Yve/le, France