This study aims to analyze the ability of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in high school biology teacher in the material of the nervous system. The method used is descriptive research, where researchers do not provide treatment to the object of research. Researchers only retrieve data without any changes. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling by 7 state senior high school (SMA) in Tangerang City from 15 state senior high school (SMA) in Tangerang, each represented by a single school subject teachers of biology class XI. Data collected through the charging instrument TPACK. Analysis of data by encoding based on seven categories in the framework TPACK (CK, PK, TK, PCK, TPK, TCK, TPACK). Based on the results of data analysis, ability TPACK 7 high school teacher in the city of Tangerang into the perception level (Pn). The conclusion is the ability Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in high school biology teacher on the land (SMAN) in Tangerang City in the material of the nervous system have the perception towards harmonization of components TPACK because the participants were able to identify the difficulty of content and feel the need to transform content. Also, being able to identify appropriate teaching methods with the use of technology but does not explain how to use technology to change the contents and support the students' learning process.. Keywords: Teacher of Biology , Nervous System , TPACK
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Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
Matthew J. Koehler,et al.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Framework for Teacher Knowledge
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