A Study on Slamming Impact Pressure

*Advanced Ship Engineering Research Center, Pusan National Univ ersity, Busan, Korea**Naval Architecture & Ocean Enginnering, Pusan National Univer sity, Busan, Korea***SHIP-NURI: Education Program for Intelligence Based Ship and Offshore Equipment DesignEngineer-New University for Regional Innovation, Pusan National University, Busan, KoreaKEY WORDS: Slamming 슬래밍, Pneumatic cylinder 공기압 실린더, Impact pressure coefficient 충격 압력 계수, Air pocket 에어 포켓, Jet spray 제트 스프레이, Synchronization 동기화ABSTRACT: This study presents the results of a slamming experiment using a pneumatic cylinder. The employment of the pneumatic cylinder showed a relatively good repeatability when the results were co mpared with those of other slamming devices. The experiment was done for various incident angles. An air pocket was believed to cause a reduction in the magnitude of the impact pressure with an incident angle of 0