Designing for Situation Awareness : An Approach to User-Centered Design

Understanding Situation Awareness in System Design User-Centered Design Who Is This Book For? Why Do We Need User-Centered Design? What Does User-Centered Design Mean? Principles for User-Centered Design Situation Awareness: The Key to User-Centered Design What Is Situation Awareness? SA Defined Time as a Part of SA Situation Awareness as a Product of the Process Perception and Attention Working Memory Mental Models, Schema, and Scripts Goals and SA Expectations Automaticity and SA Summary SA Demons: The Enemies of Situation Awareness Attentional Tunneling Requisite Memory Trap Workload, Anxiety, Fatigue, and Other Stressors Data Overload Misplaced Salience Complexity Creep Errant Mental Models Out-of-the-Loop Syndrome Summary Design Process Systems Development Life Cycle User Interface Design Process Situation Awareness-Oriented Design Creating Situation Awareness-Oriented Designs Determining SA Requirements Goal-Directed Task Analysis Methodology Overview Interviews Determining the Preliminary Goal Structure Future Interviews Interview Issues Organizational Tips GDTA Validation Principles of Designing for SA From Theory to Design Case Study: SA-Oriented Design Confidence and Uncertainty in SA and Decision Making Uncertainty Types and Sources of Uncertainty Role of Confidence in Linking SA and Decision Making Management of Uncertainty Design Principles for Representing Uncertainty Dealing with Complexity Simplified View of Complexity Design Principles for Taming Complexity Alarms, Diagnosis, and SA An Alarming Practice Processing Alarms in the Context of SA Principles for the Design of Alarm Systems Automation and Situation Awareness Automation: A Help or a Hindrance? Out-of-the-Loop Syndrome Automation and Level of Understanding Decision Support Dilemma New Approaches to Automation Principles for Designing Automated Systems Designing to Support SA for Multiple and Distributed Operators Team Operations SA in Teams What Is Shared SA? Critical Factors Affecting SA in Teams SA in Distributed Teams SA Breakdowns in Teams Design Principles for Supporting Team Operations Unmanned and Remotely Operated Vehicles Unmanned Vehicles for Many Uses Classes of Unmanned Vehicle Control Human Error in Unmanned Vehicle Operations Situation Awareness Requirements for Unmanned Vehicle Operations Challenges for SA in Remote Operations Factors for Effective Design of Unmanned Vehicle Tasks and Systems Summary SA Oriented Training Need for Training to Enhance SA Challenges for Novices Mental Models Form a Key Mechanism for Expertise Schema of Prototypical Situations or Patterns Critical Skills for SA Examples of SA Deficits in Novices Training Approaches for Improving Situation Awareness Summary Completing the Design Cycle Evaluating Design Concepts for SA Indirect Measures of Situation Awareness Direct Measures of Situation Awareness Measuring Team SA Case Study Summary Applying SA-Oriented Design to Complex Systems Combating the Enemies of Situation Awareness SA-Oriented Design Synergy System Evaluation Future Directions Appendix A: Goal-Directed Task Analysis for Commercial Airline Pilots References Index