Project management solution: Remodelling of sacral object for tourism purposes
Sacral objects are part of cultural, historical and art heritage. Neglected sacral objects that are not in use create a significant social problem in Croatia. Why is it so and how hard it is to challenge traditionalism is becoming clearer both to entrepreneurs and those working in cultural sector wanting to preserve heritage interwoven in an inventive product. The aim of the paper is to offer the alternative solution for valorisation of sacral objects. Tourism being a complex industry is capable of valuing sacral objects as market items in completely new way. In the first part are presented good international examples in area of remodelling sacral objects and external factors that led to their accomplishment. Second part is pointing out the current situation in Croatia, as well as possibilities and aggravating circumstances defined by existing business frame. Third part consists of the innovative model of project management that transforms an existing sacral object for tourism purposes, including basic economic performances. The research results show that the change of thinking and social attitude, as well as creating synergy of public-private partnership (Church, local community, investors) with necessary business assumption would contribute and lead towards better use of abandoned sacral objects and through that to potential development of more sustainable tourism, thus society in general.