Observation of Doppler shifted Tα emission from TFTR tritium neutral beams

195 tritium ion source shots were injected into Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) high power plasmas during December 1993–March 1994. In addition, four highly diagnosed pulses were fired into the calorimeter. Analysis of the Doppler shifted Tα emission of the beam in the neutralizer has revealed that the extracted ion compositions for deuterium and tritium are indistinguishable: 0.72±0.04 D+; 0.22±0.02 D+2; 0.07±0.01 D+3 compared to 0.72±0.04 T+; 0.23±0.02 T+2; 0.05±0.01 T+3. The resultant tritium full‐energy neutral fraction is higher than for deuterium due to the increased neutralization efficiency at lower velocity. To conserve tritium, it was used only for injection and a few calorimeter test shots, never for ion source conditioning. When used, the gas species were switched to tritium only for the shot in question. This resulted in an approximately 2% deuterium contamination of the tritium beam and vice versa for the first deuterium pulse following tritium. Data from the calorimeter shots indicate th...