Method for correcting the wavelength misalignment in measured ultraviolet spectra.

A new method for correcting the wavelength misalignment in measured UV spectra is presented. It is based on a comparison between measured irradiances and irradiances computed from a radiative transfer code for a set of given atmospheric and solar conditions (250 < Dobson units < 450, 30 degrees < solar zenith angle < 75 degrees ). Results of tests run with spectra recorded on a clear-sky day by two spectroradiometers in a French UV spectral network station are analyzed. Applying the method once reduces shift to less than 0.05 nm. The smoothing included in the method enables detection of aberrant irradiance values and then completion of an initial quality control of measured spectra. A technique for assessing the instruments' slit function is also presented. The key algorithms needed to build a computer code based on this method are given.