Correction of enophthalmos in progressive hemifacial atrophy: a case report.
This case report describes a technique used for correction of enophthalmos secondary to progressive hemifacial atrophy (Parry-Romberg syndrome). The only previous described technique utilized an orbital floor implant, but this method was apparently only partially successful in correcting the conditions, i.e., it did not correct both the enophthalmos and the pseudoptosis that occurs secondary to intraorbital fatty atrophy. In the present technique, the periorbita was cut at two equators, the globe and anterior periorbita advanced forward, and the resulting empty spaces filled with thin slices of radiated cartilage. Both the enophthalmos and the pseudoptosis were corrected in a single operation. There were no long-term complications and the correction has been maintained 3 years postoperatively.