The yield-line method for concrete slabs: automated at last

The yield-line method of analysis provides a powerful means of identifying the ultimate load-carrying capacity of reinforced concrete slabs. Benefi ts of the yield-line method are that it will often identify additional reserves of strength when applied to the analysis of existing slabs, and to highly economic slabs when used in design. Traditionally a hand-based method, the yield-line method is easy to apply to problems involving simple slab geometries and loading regimes. However, when these become more complex it can be diffi cult to identify the critical yield-line pattern. To address this, the method has now been systematically automated. The automated method quickly identifi es the critical mechanism (or a close approximation of this) and corresponding load-carrying capacity, providing engineers with a powerful new computer-based tool for the analysis and design of concrete slabs. In this article, the discontinuity layout optimisation (DLO) procedure which has been used to automate the yield-line method is briefl y described and then applied to various example problems.