Professional Competence as Ways of Being: An Existential Ontological Perspective

The Organization Studies Summer Workshop is an annual activity, first launched in June 2005, to facilitate high-quality scholarship in organization studies. Its primary aim is to advance cutting-edge research on important topics in the field by bringing together on a Greek island, in early summer, a small and competitively selected group of scholars, who will have the opportunity to interact and share insights in a stimulating and scenic environment. Following on the tremendous success of the First Organization Studies Workshop on Santorini, we are happy to announce that the Second Workshop will take place at Saint John Hotel (, Mykonos, on 15 and 16 June 2006. Mykonos (,, a worldfamous resort with beautiful sandy beaches, unique Cycladic architecture, and unrivalled night life, will provide an ideal setting for workshop participants to relax and engage in authentic dialogue. With this workshop we aim to create a setting in which the juices of intellectual creativity will naturally flow. Because the aim of the workshop is to generate opportunities for creative interaction and intelligent conversation, the number of participants will be kept intentionally small — up to 50 papers will be accepted. Papers will be circulated in advance and participants will be urged to read them prior to the workshop. More about the practicalities and costs of the workshop will appear later on the Organization Studies website (

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