Intercellular mass transfer in wavy/turbulent Taylor vortex flow

Abstract Axial mass transfer or mixing through trains of cellular vortices has been observed in the range of time-dependent wavy vortex flow with the aid of visualization technique of wave motion, salt-tracer response technique, and spectral analysis of fluctuating velocity-gradients. There appear multiple stable flow states even at the same Reynolds number owing to the hysteresis of the flow system, depending upon the start-up operation. Intercellular mass transfer depends upon the axial wavelength and wave motion as well as the Reynolds number in the range of singly (SPWVF) and doubly periodic wavy vortex flow (DPWVF) whereas it is controlled mainly by turbulent motion in the range of weakly turbulent wavy vortex (WTWVF) and fully turbulent Taylor vortex flows (TTVF). Intracellular mixing increases monotonically with Reynolds number, regardless of the flow state.