Campus planning.
aim of this paper is about campus planning and how it can be deal with planning principles. As we have to implement planning principles for campus planning, it will give us a tremendous result in terms of function, economy, and aesthetic value and also enhance microclimate. The purpose of master plan or campus plan document is to form a basis for the architectural character, composition, and typology of future buildings, groups of buildings and exterior spaces on the campus. Key wordsPlanning principles, design principles, microclimate, campus, connectivity, pedestrian friendly, context, etc IntroductionThe Master Plan is the physical expression of the values by the campus community and its neighbors. It restores the pastoral character of the campus, creates a walkable campus, and Concentrates buildings at the campus core to foster a sense of community. The purpose of campus designing A well designed campus environment contributes significantly to the learning, working and social experiences for users and visitors. Another important benefit of an attractive campus is its positive impact in recruitment. And also creating positive energy. Microclimate enhancement Unique and inspiring space to work Positive work environment. Benninger’s work deals with indoor and outdoor relationships, what he called ‘fabrics of construction’ and their interpretations in to complex cluster. He employs positive –negative units of built up masses and open courtyards, and structural systems that connect or continue between buildings. THE GUIDELINES Fig. no.1 zoning layouts Fig. no.2 zoning layouts with connectivity and circulation Site layout a) Clustering of development within the campus core and loop road is encouraged to promote workability, provide a variety of usable open spaces, and preserve perimeter lands for future potential opportunities. b) The campus should look for opportunities to establish vehicular and pedestrian connections with adjacent properties to encourage convenience, amenities, and positive synergies for its end user. c) Develop a comprehensive network of varied open spaces that facilitate both formal and informal interactions. d) Design human-scaled spaces with spatial sensibilities that relate to the mass, proportion, and size of surrounding buildings. e) Make the campus inviting and transparent with a strong sense of arrival. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154 Volume 10, Number 1 (2017) © International Research Publication House