According to the remaining of Mesozoic strata and structural deformation on the basement rocks exposed beneath the Cenozoic basin in Bohai bay province, the Mesozoic basins can be divided into 5 periods of development. The first period was an intra-craton large depressional basin developed during the Early-Middle Triassic time. The second period during Late Triassic was a craton interior sag just developed on the southern Bohai Bay. The third period during Early-Middle Jurassic was a compress-flexing basin which developed within the core of the syncline deformed by Late Indosinian movement. The fourth period during Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous was a rifting basin and the rifting center was on the western Bohai Bay province. The fifth period during Late Cretaceous was a post-rifting sag. As a response to Indosinian and Yanshanian movements, these basins were induced to inversion and erosion. The Early Indosinian movement formed some large-scale gentle foldings trending in east-west in Bohai Bay province , but the deformation during Late Indosinian movement was different from Western to Eastern Bohai Bay province. In the Western part the deformation was weak only EW-trending open folds occurred while in the Eastern part deformation was stronger but some NE folds and thrusts superposed on the EW folds. Some large-scale gentle folds trending in northeast direction developed during Early Yanshanian movement in Bohai Bay province and had resulted in deformation and inversion of Early-Middle Jurassic basin. Middle and Late Yanshanian movements had not caused any substantial foldings in the Jurassic and Cretaceous basins, however there are regional inversion uplifts in the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous basins and the Late Cretaceous basins. After Early-Middle Jurassic the tectonic regime had a fatal change from successive sag and compresso-flexing into the period of mainly rifting basin.