성인의 과학문화 참여 확산을 위한 과학관 전시 연계 융합프로그램 방향제안

Today a role of science museum is changing as a ground of lifetime education by letting the general public in modern society contact education and culture about science. However, domestic science museum is not playing a central role of scientific culture compared to foreign science museum because of lack of development for various programs and exhibition contents, poor advertising and marketing etc. Programs for adolescents have been attempted in various forms such as experience, education, culture etc. But program for adults ends in one time event or poor in quantity compared to gallery or museum. Accordingly, the author examined examples of programs for adult operated in domestic and overseas science museum, and examples of programs in gallery or museum where program connected to exhibition is performed so that direction of program for adults applicable to science museum was established. Based on this, direction of program was suggested so that adults can enjoy science and easily contact it in the science museum, and follow tendency and characteristics of adults, and changing culture and role of science museum. Direction of program was studied in three aspects as follows. First, operation of consilience type contents program connected to exhibition, Second, organization of participation type a two- way program, Third, organization of community. Science museum is not a place for education for children any longer. The place is ground for lifetime education. Therefore, various programs should be arranged quantitatively and qualitatively so that place familiar to them can be formed where adults can visit freely like gallery and museum. To this end it is necessary to contemplate on measures to continue study so that the programs can be grown as systematic and professional ones.