Post Event Forensic Investigation of Damaged Structures from Strong Wind Events

Years of continued investigation across several wind regions of the United States have provided a firsthand look at the performance of structures exposed to strong life threatening wind events within tornado prone regions, including the area referred to as "Tornado Alley". Currently there are no provisions in the design codes to address winds speeds in tornado prone areas, yet recent events illustrate a need for some level of attention. Investigations and subsequent analysis of failure mechanisms of existing code compliant structures from life threatening strong wind events require development of adequate structural code recommendations. Through proper analysis, detailing, and strict implementation utilizing the knowledge of the maximum wind loads for specific strong wind event regions, it is possible to economically design the load path for a safe structural performance, providing protection for the inhabitants of structures as well as minimize damage to buildings. This study is intended to bring awareness of the life safety issues and economic impact resulting from actual documented deficiencies of in-service structures that were generally code compliant when they were constructed, but failed when exposed to the relatively common regional strong winds that were typically greater than code prescribed wind loading.