Model Studies of Foundation Groups in Sand

Synopsis The results of a large number of laboratory loading tests on model pile groups in a dry sand are presented. It has been found that the ultimate bearing capacity of a group of piles may be greater or less than the product of the ultimate bearing capacity of an isolated pile and the number of piles in the group. The settlement of a group of piles can be many times greater than the settlement of an isolated pile and usually large single-pile safety factors will be required to control group settlements. Comparisons between the model results and other large-scale field test results indicate the presence of a scale factor which makes extrapolation of the model trende difficult. On trouvera exposes dans ce rapport les resultats de recherches experimentales sur probleme du pouvoir portant des groupes de pieux dans un sable fin. On a conclu que la force portante d'une groupe des pieux est plus grande ou moins que le produit de la force portante d'un pieu isole et le nombre de pieux dans la groupe. Le tass...