The Northern College: twenty-five years of adult learning
This publication provides a history of the Northern College for Residential Adult Education, which was founded in 1978. Contributions to this volume highlight the achievements and progress of the college over the last 25 years. The volume includes the following chapters: Introduction / William Hampton and Malcolm Ball; The local tradition of working-class and self-help education / John Halstead; Creating Northern College / Richard Taylor; Northern College: the early years / Michael Barratt Brown and David Browning; The Northern College from Thatcherism to 'new labour': a personal reminiscence / Bob Fryer; From FEFC [Further Education Funding Council] to LSC [Learning and Skills Council]: resurrecting the roots in the 21st century / J. A. Jowitt; Engagement with the community: some significant aspects of the short-course programme / John Grayson and Keith Jackson; Working with community groups: the example of SADACCA / Carmen Franklin; Change and continuity: trade union education at the Northern College / Keith Bradshaw; New initiatives in learning for social and economic regeneration: the examples of the coalfields learning project and the steel areas regeneration 1994-2000 / R. K. Britton; A bold experiment: the Northern College diploma course / John Grayson and Malcolm Ball; Forming public policy: trends and prospects for residential adult education in an era of lifelong learning / John Field.