WSRec: A Collaborative Filtering Based Web Service Recommender System

As the abundance of Web services on the World Wide Web increase,designing effective approaches for Web service selection and recommendation has become more and more important. In this paper, we present WSRec, a Web service recommender system, to attack this crucial problem. WSRec includes a user-contribution mechanism for Web service QoS information collection and an effective and novel hybrid collaborative filtering algorithm for Web service QoS value prediction. WSRec is implemented by Java language and deployed to the real-world environment. To study the prediction performance, A total of 21,197 public Web services are obtained from the Internet and a large-scale real-world experiment is conducted, where more than 1.5 millions test results are collected from 150 service users in different countries on 100 publicly available Web services located all over the world. The comprehensive experimental analysis shows that WSRec achieves better prediction accuracy than other approaches.

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