In vitro effect of topical fluorides on sealant materials.

The purpose of this study was to determine by visual inspection and by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) whether commercially available, topical, acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) and neutral sodium fluoride (NaF) agents cause surface roughening of five sealant materials: two unfilled resins, two filled resins, and one glass-ionomer material. In addition, the effect of treatment with 1.23% APF and sonification on weight of an unfilled and a filled sealant was compared to treatment with controls. Unfilled sealants exhibited no surface changes visually or on micrographs following any treatment. Filled sealants and the glass-ionomer sealant exhibited visually apparent changes depending on the treatment. SEM inspection of filled sealants with visually apparent changes showed loss of filler particles whereas the glass-ionomer sealant exhibited apparent destruction both of the matrix and the filler particle. No significant differences in weight were found between sonicated and unsonicated specimens. However, significant loss of weight was found with filled sealant specimens, but not unfilled sealant specimens, treated with 1.23% APF gel as compared with the specimens treated with water. The results of this in vitro study indicate that preventive therapies that combine use of topical fluorides and sealants may cause deterioration of filled sealants and glass-ionomer sealant material, but not unfilled sealants.