Sensory Assessment of Loudspeakers Considering Multiple Factors

A new sensory test method is proposed in this paper. These days, users are demanding both amenity value and comfort in products. To provide comfort, it is necessary to measure the human senses. Various sensory test methods have been developed. Scheffe's paired comparison is one such widely used sensory test method. Nakaya's method was developed based on Scheffe's paired comparison. It estimates human senses and makes it possible to add a score to the samples. Nakaya's established method can separate the main effect, individual effect, and the combined effect. If there are any other factors that affect the samples' assessments, they will be neglected. Therefore, the main effect - if it is significant - also tends to be neglected with Nakaya's method when there are multiple environmental factors. The method proposed here solves these problems while still maintaining the merits of the established methods. Our proposed sensory test method uses multiple factors in its model. Therefore this method enables us to separate many environmental factors, the effects are detected correctly and circumstantially. Furthermore, this method is sensitive to the main effect because many environmental factors are considered. The proposed method was applied in an assessment of the psycho-acoustics of loudspeakers, and was found to be useful in sensory tests when differences were small and when there were only a few subjects.