미국 스튜디오퍼니쳐 운동에서 와튼 에쉬릭(1887-1970)의 선구자적 역할에 관한 연구

Wharton Esherick (1887-1970) is the pioneer of the Studio Furniture movement which was emerging after the Second World War in the United States. As Esherick began to work on his studio at Paoli, Pennsylvania from 1926, he became enormously influential in the Stuido Furniture movement until his death in 1972. He was connecting the English Arts and Crafts ideal to the post-war craft revival. As the work of William Morris did, in the period of consumerism Esherick's furniture gave a chance to purchase unique furniture to people who wanted a different taste. Not only his furniture is unique and hand-crafted also has sculptural quality which made his followers to see furniture as a different possibilities. His work was influential to the people who followed him after the war such as Arthur Carpenter, Wendell Castle, and Sam Maloof. In the roots of the craft revival, it is hard to underestimate the contribution of Esherick's notion of sculptural furniture.