A Study On 3D Design Model-based-visualization System to Support Pipe Maintenance

An increase in maintenance has been observed of late in the shipbuilding industry. Moreover, the increase in marine freight transportation has led to bigger ships, and the increase in the use of natural gas and its rising global prices have affected the development of seabed resources. These developments are bringing about an increased demand for high-value-added ships such as FPSO, LNG, and CNG. These ships must have sustainable products operational ability, and ability to handle the matter because these operate in the sea for a lifecycle. However, the aforementioned developments lead to increasing complexity and specialty of ship, which will make it difficult for workers to judge a particular situation that may arise, and will thus make it easy for them to make a mistake. In actually, as shown by marine accident investigation, approximately 64% of all marine accidents are caused by human error. Therefore, this paper will say that the system enable worker who has no special engineering knowledge or background to help to deal with problems by quickly presenting to him an accurate analysis of the problem. The system is aimed at visualizing through the convergence with augmented reality which is based on 3D design models considering the product design information and production, so that the worker will be able to accomplish his maintenance-related tasks faster and more accurately.