Identification of Potential Statewide Intercity Rail and Bus Transit Corridors in Texas

Highways and air travel have accounted for the vast majority of intercity trips in Texas for the past several decades. Expansion of roadways or adding additional intercity flights has been a relatively straightforward way to address intercity travel demand; but, as highway construction becomes more costly, additional highway right-of-way in urban areas becomes scarce, aviation fuel and operational costs rise, and airport/airspace capacity is consumed due to an increasing number of flights, Texas may need to shift some investments to passenger rail or express bus transit service to maintain and maximize mobility and efficient operation of the overall transportation system. This paper describes a recent study and method to quantify existing intercity passenger corridors in Texas and to identify potential intercity rail and bus transit routes that could be part of a future statewide transit system. This research approach looked at future growth, existing highway capacity, and demographic forecasts to determine corridors where new intercity travel options should be studied.Copyright © 2011 by ASME