Problem statement: The goal of automatic programming system is to create, in an automated way, a computer program that enables a computer to solve a problem. It is difficult to build an automatic programming system: They require carefully designed specification languages and an intimate knowledge base. Determine the relevance of mathematical system theory to the problems of automatic programming and find automatic programming methodology, where a computer program evolved to solve problem by using problem’s input output specifications only. Approach: Problem behavior was described as a finite state automata based on its meaning, also problem’s input-output specifications were described in theoretical manner, based on its input and output trajectories information, then a program was evolved to solve the problem. Different implementation languages can be used without significantly affecting existing problem specification. Evolutionary process adapts ant colony optimization algorithm to find good finite state automata that efficiently satisfies input-output specifications. Results: By moving from state to states, each ant incrementally constructs sub-solution in an iterative process. The algorithm converged to the optimal final solution, by accumulating most effective sub-solutions; main problem will appeared in solving problem with little input-output specifications. Fixed and dynamic input-output specifications were used to mimic chaotic behavior of real world. Conclusion: These results indicated that theoretical bases can enhance efficiency and performance of automatic programming system, leading to an increase in the system productivity and letting the concentrate to be done on problem specification only. Also, the collective behavior emerging from the interaction of the different ants had proved effective in solving problem; finally, in dynamic input-output specification chaos theory, especially “butterfly effect”, can be used to control the sensitivity to initial configuration of trajectory information.
Manuel López-Ibáñez,et al.
Ant colony optimization
GECCO '10.
H. Van Dyke Parunak,et al.
Representing Agent Interaction Protocols in UML
Marco Dorigo,et al.
Ant system: optimization by a colony of cooperating agents
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part B.
Marco Dorigo,et al.
Ant colony optimization
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine.
John H. Holland,et al.
Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysis with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial Intelligence
Thomas Stützle,et al.
Ant colony optimization: artificial ants as a computational intelligence technique
Thomas Stützle,et al.
The Ant Colony Optimization Metaheuristic: Algorithms, Applications, and Advances
Luca Maria Gambardella,et al.
Ant Algorithms for Discrete Optimization
Artificial Life.
Marco Dorigo,et al.
The ant colony optimization meta-heuristic
Alberto RibesAbstract,et al.
Multi agent systems
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Active Media Technology, 2005. (AMT 2005)..
Mark Dras,et al.
Understanding the Pheromone System Within Ant Colony Optimization
Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence.