공동주택 거주가구의 에너지라이프스타일 유형에 관한 연구

This study examined apartment residents" energy-lifestyle, and their energy consumption patterns by energy-lifestyle. The major findings are as follow: 1)In order to identify energy lifestyle, three dimensions - value of life, energy consuming behavior and energy awareness - were defined by literature reviews, and each dimension was tested to define components. 2)The scores of the 14 factors that were defined by factor analysis on the three dimensions of the energy lifestyle were subject to cluster analysis, and then lifestyle was categorized into five groups. G1 is very negative, and indifferent to energy waste or saving at home. G2 is passively carrying out energy saving activities at home, only within their comfort. G3 is aware of energy saving, and more actively keeping energy saving behavior in their everyday lives, while they also show energy waste behavior at the same time. G4 is particularly indifferent to energy costs, and presenting energy squandering behaviors. G5 is better aware of energy saving than other groups, and carrying out energy saving behaviors in their everyday lives. This study would be of help to establish energy saving management and education plans in apartments.