An overview is given of accelerator activities at the third generation light source ELETTRA. In routine operation since late 1993, the performance of the 2.0 to 2.4 GeV storage ring has steadily been enhanced. Activities focus on improving the fundamental criteria of a synchrotron radiation facility: brightness, lifetime, stability and reliability. A progress report is given of major ongoing activities: a passive superconducting 3rd harmonic cavity for lifetime improvement, fast and slow feedback systems for beam stability, new insertion devices and the storage ring FEL for greater brightness, improved diagnostics, upgrades to the RF system and vacuum chamber and a full energy injector. 1 OPERATIONS ELETTRA typically operates for 6500 hours per year of which 5000 are dedicated to User experiments. 2002 will have a reduced number of User hours (4700) to allow the installation of numerous upgrades, but maintain the same number of machine dedicated time for new system commissioning. The overall uptime of the facility, as in previous years, is high (96% in 2001 excluding external disturbances). At present there are twelve operational beamlines, five in commissioning and five in construction or design. Fourteen of the beamlines use insertion devices and the rest bending magnets. The alignment of the storage ring magnets was started the last year. After finishing the installation of the necessary stable bases and target holders in the first half of 2001 a laser tracking system was used for the complete survey of the magnet positions and the alignment of about one fourth of the storage ring containing the most miss-aligned elements. The laser tracker proved to be an efficient device and allows to take advantage of relatively short shutdown periods to perform re-alignment of magnets.