High energy x-ray reflectivity and scattering study from spectrum-x-gamma flight mirrors

Line radiation from Fe K-alpha(1), Cu K-alpha(1), and Ag K-alpha(1) is used to study the high energy X-ray reflectivity and scattering behavior of flight-quality X-ray mirrors having various Al substrates. When both the specular and the scattered radiation are integrated, near theoretical reflectivities are found for all mirrors. Results of scattering studies show that scattering is strongly correlated with the Al foil type. Mirrors based on new 0.4 mm Al foil are found to have a typical scattering FWHM of about 1.1 arcmin, whereas mirrors based on 0.3 mm Al foil have an FWHM of greater than 1.5 arcmin. For all mirrors and for all energies, the scattering is found to exhibit the characteristic asymmetries predicted by a first order vector scattering theory.