Electronic Warfare: DOD Actions Needed to Strengthen Management and Oversight

Abstract : The Department of Defense (DoD) has committed billions of dollars to developing, maintaining, and employing warfighting capabilities that rely on access to the electromagnetic spectrum. According to DoD, electronic warfare capabilities play a critical and potentially growing role in ensuring the U.S. military's access to and use of the electromagnetic spectrum. GAO was asked to assess the extent to which DoD did the following: (1) developed a strategy to manage electronic warfare; and (2) planned, organized, and implemented an effective governance structure to oversee its electronic warfare policy and programs and their relationship to cyberspace operations. GAO analyzed policies, plans, and studies related to electronic warfare and cyberspace operations and interviewed cognizant DoD officials. GAO recommends that DoD should do the following: (1) include in its future electronic warfare strategy reports to Congress certain key characteristics, including performance measures, key investments and resources, and organizational roles and responsibilities; (2) define objectives and issue an implementation plan for the Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Control Center; and (3) update key departmental guidance to clearly define oversight roles, responsibilities, and coordination for electronic warfare management, and the relationship between electronic warfare and cyberspace operations. DoD generally concurred with these recommendations, except that the strategy should include performance measures. GAO continues to believe this recommendation has merit.