A Fuzzy Ontology Generation Framework from Fuzzy Relational Databases
Ontology is an important part of the W3C standards for the Semantic Web used to specify standard conceptual vocabularies to exchange data among systems, provide reusable knowledge bases, and facilitate interoperability across multiple heterogeneous systems and databases. However, current ontology is not sufficient for handling vague information that is commonly found in many application domains. A feasible solution is to import the fuzzy ability to extend the classical ontology. In this article, we propose a fuzzy ontology generation framework from the fuzzy relational databases, in which the fuzzy ontology consists of fuzzy ontology structure and instances. We simultaneously consider the schema and instances of the fuzzy relational databases, and respectively transform them to fuzzy ontology structure and fuzzy RDF data model. This can ensure the integrality of the original structure as well as the completeness and consistency of the original instances in the fuzzy relational databases.