Task admission control for application service operators in mobile cloud computing

The resource constraint has become an important factor hindering the further development of mobile devices (MDs). Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is a new approach proposed to extend MDs’ capacity and improve their performance by task offloading. In MCC, MDs send task requests to the application service operator (ASO), which provides application services to MDs and needs to determine whether to accept the task request according to the system condition. This paper studies the task admission control problem for ASOs with the consideration of three features (two-dimensional resources, uncertainty, and incomplete information). A task admission control model, which considers radio resource variations, computing, and radio resources, is established based on the semi-Markov decision process with the goal of maximizing the ASO’s profits while guaranteeing the quality of service (QoS). To develop the admission policy, a reinforcement learning-based policy algorithm, which develops the admission policy through system simulations without knowing the complete system information, is proposed. Experimental results show that the established model adaptively adjusts the admission policy to accept or reject different levels and classes of task requests based on the ASO load, available radio resources, and event type. The proposed policy algorithm outperforms the existing policy algorithms and maximizes the ASO’s profits while guaranteeing the QoS.

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