Adhering wear mechanism of cemented carbide cutter in the intervallic cutting of stainless steel

Abstract This paper describes the interface adhesion behavior between the cutter and work piece when austenitic stainless steel is milled by cemented carbide cutter. It is shown that: (1) At medium cutting speed, adhering layer is formed between the rake face and the chip. Plastic deformation and recrystallization or melting has taken place at the interface between the rake face and the adhering layer. This phenomenon is similar to friction welding. (2) At low cutting speed, no adhering layer exists on the rake face. Only small areas are stuck or welded between the rake face and the chip underlayer. Rupture of the joint might occur in the weaker side, and many valleys are formed on the rake face. (3) At high speed, the crater is formed on the rake face: adhering phenomenon does not occur.