Quantification of NO2 and SO2 emissions from the Houston Ship Channel and Texas City industrial areas during the 2006 Texas Air Quality Study

In August-September 2006, as part of the Second Texas Air Quality Study, NO2 and SO2 emissions from the Houston Ship Channel and Texas City industrial areas were quantified using mobile mini-differential optical absorption spectroscopy instruments. The measured NO2 emissions from the Houston Ship Channel and Texas City industrial areas were 2542 and 452 kg h(-1), respectively, yielding NOx emissions 70% and 43%, respectively, above the reported inventory values. Quantified SO2 emissions from the Houston Ship Channel area were 1749 kg h(-1) and were found to be 34% above the values reported in the inventory. Short-term variability of NO2 and SO2 emissions was found at the Houston Ship Channel. On 31 August 2006, a plume was detected at the HSC during three consecutive measurements, yielding a HCHO flux of 481 kg h(-1). This event has been mainly attributed to photochemical production.

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