M-commerce (mobile commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as cellular telephone and personal digital assistants PDA. M-commerce provides lot of services like Mobile ticketing, Mobile banking, Mobile location based services, Mobile auctions, Mobile purchasing and so on. This represents an incredible opportunity to enable mobile devices, as a universal device for mobile commerce applications. For such applications, we normally want to choose the best hotel in prime locations, with modern facilities, clean environment and affordable rates. This can be time consuming and sometimes costly when doing this on our own or using human agents. So based on this we here propose "Intelligent Agent Based Hotel Search and Booking System". This system here would use an intelligent agent (instead of the human agent) to perform similar search and booking activities that can improve the speed of the search and reduce cost significantly. So in summary we propose developing a an agent that will move from hotel to hotel from the mobile devices like Smart phones by collecting details on the list of available facilities, price, customer experience, transportation etc and forward-feeding them back to the user's mobile phone. The implementation will be carried using JADE-LEAP agent development kit
Suresh Sankaranarayanan,et al.
Application of intelligent agents for mobile tutoring
ICIS '09.
Suresh Sankaranarayanan,et al.
Intelligent Agent based Mobile Shopper
2009 IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks.
Arthur C. Graesser,et al.
Is it an Agent, or Just a Program?: A Taxonomy for Autonomous Agents
Patricia Morreale.
Agents on the move [mobile software agents]
Silvano Gai,et al.
Exploiting Code Mobility in Decentralized and Flexible Network Management
Mobile Agents.
R JenningsNicholas,et al.
Developing multiagent systems