Skin & wound care

Part One: WOUND CARE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION 1: Skin Care and Wound Prevention Strategies 2: Assessing and Managing Chronic Wounds 3: Laboratory Values in Chronic Wound Management 4: Developing a Skin and Wound Care Formulary 5: Tissue Load Management 6: Wound Care and the Regulatory Process Part Two: SKIN AND WOUND CARE PRODUCTS Skin Care Products Overview Skin Cleansers Liquid Skin Protectants Moisture Barriers Antifungals and Antimicrobials Therapeutic Moisturizers Dressings, Devices, and Drugs Dressings and Devices Overview Alginates Antimicrobials Collagens Composites Contact Layers Foams Hydrocolloids Hydrogels Specialty Absorptives Surgical Supplies, Miscellaneous Transparent Films Wound Fillers Other Products Drugs Overview Products Part Three: ADDITIONAL DRESSINGS AND PRODUCTS Overview Abdominal Dressing Holders/Binders Compression Bandage Systems Conforming Bandages Elastic Bandage Rolls Gauze, Impregnated with Other than Water, Normal Saline or Hydrogel Without Adhesive Border Gauze, Impregnated with Water or Normal Saline, Without Adhesive Border Gauze, Nonimpregnated With Adhesive Border Gauze, Nonimpregnated Without Adhesive Border Tapes Wound Cleansers Wound Pouches APPENDICES A: Body Mass Index B: Braden Scale C: Wagner Ulcer Grade Classification D: Treatment Algorithm for Pressure Ulcers E: Treatment Algorithm for Arterial Ulcers F: Treatment Algorithm for Venous Ulcers G: Treatment Algorithm for Diabetic Ulcers H: Treatment Algorithm for Diabetic Ulcer Wound Care I: Laboratory Tests to Rule Out Atypical Causes of Leg Ulcers J: Ankle-Brachial Index Use in Patients with Diabetes Manufacturer Resource Guide Selected References Index