Deriving Explanation of Deep Visual Saliency Models

Deep neural networks have shown their profound impact on achieving human level performance in visual saliency prediction. However, it is still unclear how they learn the task and what it means in terms of understanding human visual system. In this work, we develop a technique to derive explainable saliency models from their corresponding deep neural architecture based saliency models by applying human perception theories and the conventional concepts of saliency. This technique helps us understand the learning pattern of the deep network at its intermediate layers through their activation maps. Initially, we consider two state-of-the-art deep saliency models, namely UNISAL and MSINet for our interpretation. We use a set of biologically plausible log-gabor filters for identifying and reconstructing the activation maps of them using our explainable saliency model. The final saliency map is generated using these reconstructed activation maps. We also build our own deep saliency model named crossconcatenated multi-scale residual block based network (CMRNet) for saliency prediction. Then, we evaluate and compare the performance of the explainable models derived from UNISAL, MSI-Net and CMRNet on three benchmark datasets with other state-of-the-art methods. Hence, we propose that this approach of explainability can be applied to any deep visual saliency model for interpretation which makes it a generic one.

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