Enhancing the Plausibility of Law Equation Discovery

After the pioneering work of the BACON system, the study in the eld of scienti c discovery has been directed to the discovery of more plausible law equations to represent the rst principles underlying objective systems. The state of the art has only succeeded in a weak sense that the soundness, the reproducibility and the mathematical admissibility of the candidates hold within the experimental measurements. The plausibility should be checked for various objects and/or measurements sharing the common rst principles, and only the equations having su cient generality should be retained. In this paper, a novel principle and an algorithm are proposed to predict some mathematically admissible and consistent equation formulae for a newly given set of quantities from the candidate law equations obtained for another set of quantities in advance. The soundness and the reproducibility of the predicted equations are con rmed through the measurements. The law equations which passed all con rmations represent the common rst principles under di erent set of quantities.