Biomass and productivity of a Rhizophora mucronata Lamarck plantation in Tritih, Central Java, Indonesia

Sukardjo, S. and Yamada, I., 1992. Biomass and productivity ofa Rhizophora mucronata Lamarck pl~ntation in Tritih, Central Java, Indonesia. For. F:al. Manage., 49: 195-209. Peram Perhutani (The State Forestry Corporation) is establishing large-scale mangrove plantations lbr reforestation and/or afforestation, and the production of wood for fuel as well as other purpescs in Java. The mangrove species used currently in Segara Anakan Cilacap is Rhizophora mucronata Lamarck. The above-ground biomass, litter production and litter accumulation in a 7-year-old stand i~' Tritih were studied. The mean diameter at breast height (DBH) or 30 cm above the highest prop root was 5.9 ! cm. The mean annual increment in DBH of individual trees was 0.89 cm. The total abeve-ground biomass of the stand was 93.726 t ha- t of dry weight, consisting of 60.442 t of stem, 13.906 t of branch, 14.708 t of prop root and 4.670 t of leaf material. Litter production ranged from 7.058 to 10.395 t ha- n year- n of dry weight with leaf litter making up 73.29-84.30% of the total. Leaf litter accumulation amounted to 16.922-20.5 i I t ha- n year- n of dry weight and the turnover constant (k) of leaf litter was estimated at 0.2943-0.4082. The high productivity is discussed in relation to lower turnover (k) of litter.

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