A New Algorithm to Generate the Reference Images of Ship Targets for ATR Using ISAR

Inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) is useful for automatic target recognition (ATR) because it can reconstruct a high resolution image of an observed target. In ISAR imaging, 3-dimensional reflectivity distribution of a target is projected to the plane defined by range axis and cross range axis. In order to recognize the observed target by using pattern matching, reference images of candidate targets must be adequately generated. However, that is difficult because the cross range axis, which depends on the target's unknown rotational motion, can not be determined precisely. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm to generate reference ISAR images of ship targets. In this algorithm, tracking data, Doppler width and the slope of the centerline of an ISAR target image are used to specify the cross range axis. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm was evaluated by using simulated targets.