In this paper, a semiotic framework for natural and artificial adaptive percept-action systems is presented. The functional organizations and operational structures of percept-action systems with different degrees of adaptivity and self-construction are considered in terms of syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic relations. Operational systems-theoretic criteria for distinguishing semiotic, sign-systems from nonsemiotic physical systems are proposed. A system is semiotic if a set of functional sign-states can be identified, such that the system’s behavior can be effectively described in terms of operations on sign-types. Semiotic relations involved in the operational structure of the observer are outlined and illustrated using the Hertzian commutation diagram. Percept-action systems are observers endowed with effectors that permit them to act on their surrounds. Percept-action systems consist of sensors, effectors, and a coordinative part that determines which actions will be taken. Cybernetic systems adaptively steer behavior by altering percept-action mappings contingent on evaluated performance measures via embedded goals. Self-constructing cybernetic systems use signs to direct the physical construction of all parts of the system to create new syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic relations. When a system gains the ability to construct its material hardware and choose its semiotic relations, it achieves a degree of epistemic autonomy, semantic closure, and pragmatic self-direction.
Peter Cariani,et al.
Towards an Evolutionary Semiotics: The Emergence of New Sign-Functions in Organisms and Devices
N. Wiener,et al.
Behavior, Purpose and Teleology
Philosophy of Science.
P Cariani,et al.
Symbols and dynamics in the brain.
Bio Systems.
Howard Hunt Pattee.
Physical Problems of Decision-Making Constraints
Peter Cariani,et al.
To evolve an ear: epistemological implications of Gordon Pask's electrochemical devices
Tommi Vehkavaara.
From the Logic of Science to the Logic of the Living
S. David,et al.
Auditory attention : focusing the searchlight on sound
Robert Rosen,et al.
P. Cariani.
Temporal Coding of Periodicity Pitch in the Auditory System: An Overview
Neural plasticity.