We report of a theoretical model for calculating the H-T phase diagrams of a rare-earth ferrimagnet, taking into account anisotropies originated by both magnetization sublattices' and by the surface. The possibility of an exchange spring formation due to surface anisotropy is considered. This situation is realized in heterostructures containing a ferrimagnet and a heavy metal. We derive the stability lose lines of the collinear phase from the free energy of the two sublattice ferrimagnet. We numerical calculate the magnetic phase diagrams for the cases when the magnetic field applied along and perpendecular to the easy axis. We demonstrate that tricritical point down at the low field range due to surface anisotropy effect. Moreover, the line of the first order phase transition between angular and collinear phases reduces due to surface anisotropy. In the case when magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the easy axis we show the possibility of the first order phase transition between two collinear phases in contrast to the phase diagram without surface anisotropy.
R. Sarpong,et al.
Bio-inspired synthesis of xishacorenes A, B, and C, and a new congener from fuscol† †Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9sc02572c
Chemical science.
Jun Zhou,et al.
Ultralow lattice thermal conductivity and electronic properties of monolayer 1T phase semimetal SiTe2 and SnTe2
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures.
James S. Langer,et al.
Annual review of condensed matter physics
M. Farle,et al.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials