Driver’s route choice model based on traffic signal control

Driver's route choice has become a hot issue in the field of traffic research in the last years. However, most of the researches didn't pay attention to the relationship between the driver's route choice and the traffic control signal. Obviously, driver's dynamical route choice is notable affected by delay due to crossing signal control in his running course. On the other hand, the familiarities of the route can also affect driver's route choice. Basing on inquiries to drivers, driver's route choice behavior is studied. How driver makes choice among those routes with different familiarities influenced by urban traffic control system is analyzed. As a result of signal control strategy, orientation of driver's transferring from familiar route to unfamiliar one is discussed by using multinomial Logit Model. In the first part, this study introduces the necessity of the integration between traffic signal control system and navigation system. On the basis of building pertinent Logit Model and travel time estimation model, typical route choice model is presented then. At last, route familiarity, as a parameter of the model, is confirmed by processing test data. Investigation argues that driver's route choice can effectively described by Logit Model with variables of traffic signal split and route familiarity.