Transform-domain adaptive signal processing proved to be very successful in very many applications especially where systems with long impulse responses are to be evaluated. The popularity of these methods is due to the efficiency of the fast signal transformation algorithms and that of the block oriented adaptation mechanisms. The applicability of the fast sliding transformation algorithms is investigated for transform domain adaptive signal processing. It is shown that these sliding transformers may contribute to a better distribution of the computational load along time and therefore enable higher sampling rates. It is also shown that the execution time of the widely used overlap-save and overlap-add algorithms can also be shortened. The prize to be paid for this improvements is the increase of the end-to-end delay which in certain configurations may cause some degradation of the tracking capabilities of the overall system. Fortunately, however, there are versions where this delay does not hurt the capabilities of the adaptation technique applied.
A.R. Varkonyi-Koczy.
Multi-sine synthesis and analysis via Walsh-Hadamard transformation
1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Circuits and Systems Connecting the World. ISCAS 96.
S. Biyiksiz,et al.
Multirate digital signal processing
Proceedings of the IEEE.
J. Shynk.
Frequency-domain and multirate adaptive filtering
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
Douglas L. Jones.
Learning characteristics of transpose-form LMS adaptive filters
C. K. Yuen,et al.
Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
Annamária R. Várkonyi-Kóczy,et al.
A recursive fast Fourier transformation algorithm
Hwang-Cheng Chiang,et al.
Fast algorithm for FIR filtering in the transform domain
IEEE Trans. Signal Process..