Vas and vesicle usually accommodate from 4 to 6 c.c. of a non-irritant liquid, such as 5 per cent. argyrol solution, injected through a scrotal vasostomy. None of the solution escapes through the ejaculatory duct until vas and vesicle are filled, because this exit is closed by a sphincter. This muscle yields to overfilling of the seminal ducts, the solution passing into the prostatic urethra and thence usually backward into the bladder, b u t occasionally forward into the anterior urethra, escaping at the meatus. An unlimited quantity of solution may thus be used to irrigate vas, vesicle, ejaculatory duct, prostatic urethra and utricle; and this irrigation may be repeated at the discretion of the operator. For days after such filling of the seminal duct, peristalsis of vas and vesicle occurs, shown by the constant presence of argyrol in the