Convolutional Neural Network Application on Leaf Classification

Plants are everywhere in our lives, we can classify them by observing their features. But for ordinary people, the species we don’t know are much more than we know. So, for amateurs who are interested in botany, a system which can classify different species of leaves must be very useful, a system like that will also help students recognize the leaves they don’t know. This paper describes a system for leaf classification, which is developed with convolutional neural network technique. Previous researches in leaf identification usually use grayscale images. The main reason is that these samples mostly are green leaves. This system is trained by 1500 leaves to classify 50 kinds of plants. Compared to other research, our net use RGB images for input. And in convolutional neural network, we use PReLU instead of traditional ReLU. The experimental result shows that our method for classification gives accuracy of 94.8 %.