Water-driven Saws, Ausonius, and the Authenticity of the Mosella

DR. SIMMS, a member of the United Kingdom Department of Environment, is concerned with the development of environmental protection policies within the United Kingdom and the European community. He is indebted to Miss Jane Bishop for reading the manuscript critically and to Professor Lynn White, jr., for his helpful suggestions. He wishes also to thank Professor Stanley Bowie of Strathclyde University for being kind enough to reminisce about Dr. C. N. Bromehead, Mr. Alan Archer and his colleagues of the Institute of Geological Sciences, London, for discussing the geology of Trier, and Mr. Lollick Holze for information on the use of Trier slate for billiard tables. 'Ausonius, trans. H. G. Evelyn White, 2 vols. (London, 1919), 1:253, bk. 10, Mosella, lines 361-64. For the dating, see l:xvii, 1:223. 2C. N. Bromehead, "Mining and Qua-rrying in the Seventeenth Century," inA History /f Technology, ed. Charles Singer, E.J. Holmyard, A. R. Hall, and Trevor I. Williams (Oxford, 1956), 2:1-40, esp. 31; R. J. Forbes, "Power," ibid., 2:589-622, esp. 600, 608. A. '. Usher, A History of Mechanical Inventions (Cambridge, Mass., 1929; rev. ed. 1954),