The luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider requires that the new separation/recombination dipoles D2 deliver a field integral of 35 Tm. A design has been developed of a twin dipole generating a magnetic field as high as 4.5 T in apertures of 105-mm and 7.78-m magnetic length. The magnetic field direction is identical in both apertures causing not negligible magnetic cross talk, which could be highly detrimental for the field quality. In order to minimize the cross talk effects a design based on asymmetric coils has been developed in the past years. Recently, the design has achieved a level of maturity allowing the starting of a second phase of development involving the construction of a short model preliminary to prototyping activities. The short model (1.6-m long) has been designed in all aspects and it is presently under construction in industry. The contribution is focused on the design of the short model with emphasis on the mechanical aspects, which includes a novel approach to the integration of coils in the mechanical structure through the use of Al-alloy sleeves.
S. Farinon,et al.
The Design of Superconducting Separation Dipoles D2 for the High Luminosity Upgrade of LHC
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.
L. Rossi,et al.
A First Baseline for the Magnets in the High Luminosity LHC Insertion Regions
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.
L. Rossi,et al.
Advanced Accelerator Magnets for Upgrading the LHC
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.
W. Scandale.
Possible Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade
S. Russenschuck,et al.
ROXIE - A Computer Code for the Integrated Design of Accelerator Magnets