There is a need for a rapid, simple bedside method for determining the specific gravity of small amounts of urine. It would be of value in clinical situations in which only minute quantities of urine are obtainable, particularly oliguric or anuric states such as acute renal failure or dehydration. This procedure could also be utilized for the evaluation of infantile renal function without resorting to bladder catheterization, or during ureteral catheterization when only drops of urine are collected. It could, in addition, be used to measure the specific gravity of small quantities of urine obtained during concentration tests which the laboratory frequently reports as quantity not sufficient (QNS). A disposable microhydrometer has been developed which, within the range of clinical needs, can determine the specific gravity of as little as 0.5 ml of urine or other fluids. Materials and Methods The disposable urinometer consists of five plastic pellets of different