Revealing brain pathologies with multimodal visible light optical coherence microscopy and fluorescence imaging

Abstract. We present a multimodal visible light optical coherence microscopy (OCM) and fluorescence imaging (FI) setup. Specification and phantom measurements were performed to characterize the system. Two applications in neuroimaging were investigated. First, curcumin-stained brain slices of a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease were examined. Amyloid-beta plaques were identified based on the fluorescence of curcumin, and coregistered morphological images of the brain tissue were provided by the OCM channel. Second, human brain tumor biopsies retrieved intraoperatively were imaged prior to conventional neuropathologic work-up. OCM revealed the three-dimensional structure of the brain parenchyma, and FI added the tumor tissue-specific contrast. Attenuation coefficients computed from the OCM data and the florescence intensity values were analyzed and showed a statistically significant difference for 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA)-positive and -negative brain tissues. OCM findings correlated well with malignant hot spots within brain tumor biopsies upon histopathology. The combination of OCM and FI seems to be a promising optical imaging modality providing complementary contrast for applications in the field of neuroimaging.

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