ADynamicSingle-Hop Clustering Mechanism Adapted toOverlay Multicast inMobile AdhocNetworks

Overlay multicast inmobile adhocnetworksunicast delivery mechanisms ofoverlay multicasting can (MANETs)withdensely placed membernodescancause have inefficient propertyfordensemembersby inefficient packet transmission. Itisbecause unicast paths are exploiting multi-hop transmission although themembers usedinoverlay multicast while, inMANETs,broadcast medium isused. Eventhough thenodes canreach eachother within singlearecwithin asgoptransmission rne whretey hop,overlay multicasting creates unicast paths sothat insucha canreceive dataatone transmission viawireless caseoverlay multicast could beveryinefficient. Inthis paper, we broadcast media.Sucha problem iscalled, overlay propose Dynamic Single-Hop Broadcast Cluster (SHBC)tosolve multicast hotspot probleminthis paper. theproblemof overlay multicast. SHBC isa clustering mechanism adapted tooverlay multicast inMANETs.SHBCis Schemesto solvetheoverlay multicast hotspot basedonLBC(Local Broadcast Cluster) proposed inEfficient problem areproposed byS.Blodt(4) andK.Kimetal.(5). EndSystem Multicast forMobile AdHocNetworks(4) butonly (4)exploits single hopclusters, ascalled, Local constructs clusters inthehighly denseareas. UsinglocationBroadcast Cluster(LBC) fortheproblem. Indetail, each information of clusterleaders, frequencyof clustercluster leader broadcasts packets, which arereceived by reconstruction inSHBC isreduced around10% incomparisonoverlay multicasting, toitscluster members. Oneofthe withLBC. mechanism's goodpoints isthat cluster members donot